Spoiler warning! If you’ve not seen Chapter 14 of The Mandalorian yet, stop reading now, and go watch it.

In Chapter 14, “The Tragedy”, Din Djarin and Grogu (I still need to get used to the fact he now has a name) travel to Tython, which looks nothing like the Tython we’ve seen in the SWTOR game. But it’s several thousand years later, and it’s a big planet.

It’s a rocky planet with shrubs, and I’ve only seen one creature, the blue butterflies that Grogu tries to catch while on the seeing stone. We’ve seen similar blue butterflies on Endor in Battlefront, but also in a vision to Darth Vader in Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith issue 8, and the Star Wars Roll Out episode “Ben Solo and the Bug Hunters”. Maybe it’s just chance, but since there’s so many connections in this season, who knows what it may mean.

It’s nice to see the traditional Tusken Raider weapon, the Gaderffii, in action. Looks like it can be used for more than just waiving it above your head to scare farm boys.

Not alien, but cool nonetheless are the Death Troopers!

Since there aren’t that many aliens or creatures to discuss this week, I decided to translate some of the New Republic criminal database we see in Cara’s computer. Mainly because I was seeing if there was any information on some of the aliens we do see in this database… there wasn’t. Lots of nice references to Expanded Universe material though (all the different prisons). I’d urge you to check out NumidianPrime’s blog with all the translations. He figured out all the translations while I was busy squinting at my screen, and I don’t feel like repeating all the info he already put out.

As far as I can tell there is one new alien species seen in there, Vorg Alsum (left, Mando sp. #20). Carto Deeves (right) may just be a human with face tattoos. There’s only so much detail we can make out of a monochrome image.

The other aliens seen on the screens are two Aqualish (Unga Toba and Borbin Todds, one of each “types” seen in Chapter 12), a Gamorrean (Chargutt Lo), a Hassk (Sart Juloss), a Mon Calamari (Ghosla Fular), a Nikto (M’dwello Di), a Quarren (Yath Endidee), a Tusken Raider (oddly named Torbill Danzin, like one of the humans, must be an error), a Zabrak (Thene Kross) and a member of Scrapjaw Motito’s “TFA sp. #4” (Gapgrin Dozito, looks like the guy we saw in Chapter 10). Interesting to note is that all of these alien masks have aready been used in The Mandalorian.

Hopefully we get so see some more aliens next week. Stay tuned!